Bioefficacy of Trichoderma harzianum and Chitosan Oligo-saccharin as Seed Coating to Control Fusarium oxysporum Disease in Peanut
Bioefikasi Trichoderma harzianum dan Chitosan Oligo-saccharin Sebagai Seed Coating Untuk Mengendalikan Penyakit Fusarium oxysporum pada Kacang Tanah
Formulations of biological fungicides to replace synthetic fungicides, which are potent and effective in controlling wilt and root rot in Peanut plants have not been found, so the results of the study can be the latest information. The research aims to find the most effective formulation when cultivating Peanut plants with Seed Coating. Seed-coating treatment of T. harzianum and chitosan compounds is expected to be more effective in preventing or controlling the attack of Fusarium wilt disease on Peanut plants. The study was designed according to Randomized Group Design (RAK) with the treatment of Seed Coating T. harzianum and Chitosan nanoparticles (Chitosan olligosaccharin), with a Control Treatment Design without Seed Coating, Seed Coating T. harzianum, Seed Coating Kitosan, Seed Coating Kitosan + T. harzianum, Inorganic Seed Coating with 64% Metalaxil. The lowest intensity of wilting was still shown by the control treatment of 64% Metalaxil chemical pesticide, with an average wilting intensity of 23.5%, but the Seed Coating Kitosan + T. harzianum treatment was the closest with an average wilting rate of 31.5%, significantly different from the control wilting intensity which reached 92.5%. While the best control effectiveness after Metalaxil is also Chitosan + T. harzianum. Seed Coating Chitosan and T. harzianum also provide better dry weight of stalks than other Seed Coating treatments with an average of 5.1 Kg/Ha
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