PROPER : Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan <p><strong>PROPER: <em>Journal of Applied Agricultural Research</em></strong> (<strong>e-ISSN 2988-506X</strong>). Is a publication media for Scientific Articles on Applied research, Published by the Department of Agricultural Production Technology (APT) of the Pangkajene Islands State Polytechnic of Agriculture, twice a year, namely in June and December. Focusing on the results of research and studies in the field of Applied Agriculture based on Agronomy (Plant Cultivation) and its derivatives (Ecology, Seeds, Breeding, Physiology), Soil Science, Pest Science and Other Plant Disturbing Organisms (PDO), Sciences based on the Application of Science and technology with Crop Objects / Food Commodities, Horticulture, Landscaping, and Plantations.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>PROPER: <em>Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan</em> (e-ISSN 2988-506X). </strong>Merupakan media publikasi Artikel Ilmiah Hasil penelitian Terapan yang diterbitkan oleh Jurusan Teknologi Produksi Pertanian (TPP) Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Pangkajene Kepulauan, &nbsp;Dua kali dalam setahun, yaitu pada bulan <em>Juni</em> dan <em>Desember</em>. &nbsp;Berfokus pada hasil penelitian dan kajian bidang Pertanian terapan (Applied Agriculture)&nbsp; yang berbasis pada ilmu Agronomi (Budidaya Tanaman) dan turunannya (Ekologi, Benih, Pemuliaan, Fisiologi),&nbsp; Ilmu Tanah (Soil Science), Ilmu Hama Penyakit dan Organisme Pengganggu Tanaman Lainnya (OPT), Ilmu-ilmu yang berbasis Penerapan Ilmu dan teknologi dengan Objek Tanaman/Komoditi Pangan, Hortikultura, Lansekap, dan Perkebunan</p> Jurusan Teknologi Produksi Pertanian (TPP) Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Pangkajene Kepulauan en-US PROPER : Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan 2988-506X Land Suitability Analysis in Gapoktan Wiji Aji Bumi, Pendem Village, Junrejo District, Batu City <p><em>Land suitability analysis plays an important role by providing information to decision makers regarding the opportunities and constraints associated with a particular land use by considering land properties, physiographic data and specific user needs. This research aims to evaluate the suitability of land for agricultural cultivation in Gapoktan Wiji Aji Bumi, Pendem Village, Junrejo District, Batu City. Soil sampling was carried out in the field using the stratified sampling (StS) method. Analysis is carried out by looking at local descriptions, general descriptions, soil profile descriptions and soil chemical tests. Assessments were carried out on chili, corn, rice and orange plants using composite soil samples to a depth of 40cm and 80 cm. The practical results show that chilies have 1 suitability class, namely N (Not Suitable), corn has 1 suitability class, namely N (Not Suitable), rice has 1 suitability class, namely S2 (Moderately Suitable) and oranges have 1 suitability class, namely N (Not Suitable).</em></p> Ois Jati Setiyawan Dewi Anggraini Fadilla Eka Rohcahyani Sulistyowati Sulistyowati ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-12-01 2024-12-01 2 2 101 113 10.61119/prp.v2i2.505 Design, Construction and Evaluation Smart Dryer Cocoa Bean Portable: IoT Sensors and Automatic Control for Cocoa Bean Quality <p>The cocoa bean drying process is one of the crucial stages in cocoa production, and determined by climate conditions. Cocoa farmers, using traditional drying methods, are now facing new challenges due to climate change. Changing weather patterns, such as increased rainfall and higher temperatures, have a direct impact on the effectiveness of the cocoa bean drying process. The Smart Dryer Cocoa Bean Portable is a cocoa bean drying device designed to provide optimal drying results with the latest technology. This device has a compact size of 122 × 148 cm, it easy to move and use in various locations. Included with IoT sensors, the Smart Dryer can monitor and regulate temperature and humidity automatically, ensuring that the cocoa bean drying process runs efficiently and with high quality. Users can access drying data in real-time via a mobile application, it easy to monitor and control remotely. The evaluation results of the Smart Dryer Cocoa Bean Portable produced a moisture content of cocoa bean 7.3% after 16 hours with a final bean weight loss of 60%. With the Smart Dryer Cocoa Bean Portable, the cocoa bean drying process becomes faster, more efficient, and more consistent</p> Fajri Fajri Muhammad Ahlidin Miftahul Asmi Rahma Resky Amalia Putri Resky Saputra Nurjaya Muhammad Ashar Amad Zulfah Andi Besse Poleuleng ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-12-29 2024-12-29 2 2 114 118 10.61119/prp.v2i2.509 Growth and Yield Response of Mustard Greens (Brassica juncea L.) to Various Types of Manures <p>Utilization of livestock waste as organic fertilizer can fertilize agricultural land. Various types of organic<br>fertilizers have different nutritional content. The use of organic manure such as chicken, cow, goat and compost<br>manure is one alternative to reduce the use of inorganic fertilizers. However, this organic fertilizer has not been<br>widely utilized by farmers, especially in Sidrap Regency. This study aims to evaluate the effect of various types<br>of organic fertilizers on the growth and yield of mustard greens. This research was conducted in the<br>Muhammadiyah Rappang reformatory farm, Pancarijang District, Sidrap Regency, which was carried out from<br>June to July 2024. This study used a Copletely Randomized Block Design (RCBD), which consisted of Organic<br>Fertilizer treatments respectively Chicken Manure Fertilizer, Cow Manure Fertilizer, Goat Manure Fertilizer,<br>and Compost Fertilizer at a dose of 1 kg/polybag and No organic fertilizer as control. Each treatment was<br>repeated 3 times so that there were 15 observation units. Observation data were then analyzed using variance<br>analysis (Anova), then the data were tested with the Least Significant Difference (LSD) with a test level of 1%.<br>The results showed that the application of organic fertilizer chicken manure as much as 1 kg per polybag gave<br>the best response to the growth of plant height, number of leaves, length and width of leaves and fresh weight<br>of plants.</p> Anwar K. Trisnawaty AR Fenny Hasanuddin ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 2 2 119 124 10.61119/prp.v2i2.518