PROPER : Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan <p><strong>PROPER: <em>Journal of Applied Agricultural Research</em></strong> (<strong>e-ISSN 2988-506X</strong>). Is a publication media for Scientific Articles on Applied research, Published by the Department of Agricultural Production Technology (APT) of the Pangkajene Islands State Polytechnic of Agriculture, twice a year, namely in June and December. Focusing on the results of research and studies in the field of Applied Agriculture based on Agronomy (Plant Cultivation) and its derivatives (Ecology, Seeds, Breeding, Physiology), Soil Science, Pest Science and Other Plant Disturbing Organisms (PDO), Sciences based on the Application of Science and technology with Crop Objects / Food Commodities, Horticulture, Landscaping, and Plantations.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>PROPER: <em>Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan</em> (e-ISSN 2988-506X). </strong>Merupakan media publikasi Artikel Ilmiah Hasil penelitian Terapan yang diterbitkan oleh Jurusan Teknologi Produksi Pertanian (TPP) Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Pangkajene Kepulauan, &nbsp;Dua kali dalam setahun, yaitu pada bulan <em>Juni</em> dan <em>Desember</em>. &nbsp;Berfokus pada hasil penelitian dan kajian bidang Pertanian terapan (Applied Agriculture)&nbsp; yang berbasis pada ilmu Agronomi (Budidaya Tanaman) dan turunannya (Ekologi, Benih, Pemuliaan, Fisiologi),&nbsp; Ilmu Tanah (Soil Science), Ilmu Hama Penyakit dan Organisme Pengganggu Tanaman Lainnya (OPT), Ilmu-ilmu yang berbasis Penerapan Ilmu dan teknologi dengan Objek Tanaman/Komoditi Pangan, Hortikultura, Lansekap, dan Perkebunan</p> Jurusan Teknologi Produksi Pertanian (TPP) Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Pangkajene Kepulauan en-US PROPER : Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan 2988-506X Growth And Yield Of Sweet Potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) Local Variety Of Soppeng On Seed Source Treatment And Bed Height <p><em>Sweet potato is a tuber crop that has high nutritional value and is a source of carbohydrates. Factors that can affect the growth and production of sweet potato are the source of the seed and the height of the planting bed. Bed height is an environmental factor that can affect sweet potato growth and production. This study aims to assess the effect of seed source and bed height on the growth and y</em><em>ield </em><em>of sweet potato local varieties of Soppeng. This study was arranged using a two-factor factorial pattern Completely Randomised Block Design (CRBD). The first factor is the source of seeds consisting of 2 levels, namely the source derived from tuber cuttings and the source of seeds derived from stem cuttings. The second factor is the height of the bed which consists of 3 levels, namely the height of 20, 25, and 30 cm. Variables observed included tendril length (cm), number of leaves (strands), flowering age (HST), number of tubers (fruit), tuber weight (g), and production per bed (Kg). The results showed that there was no significant effect of seed source and bed height on growth and production and there was no significant interaction of seed source and height on the growth and production of sweet potato local varieties of Soppeng, but beds with a height of 30 cm and tuber origin tended to show better results in the weight of production per plot with 2338.33 Kg.</em></p> Muhammad Irsan Idrus Trisnawaty AR Muhanniah Muhanniah Mansur Mansur ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-15 2024-06-15 2 1 1 11 10.61119/prp.v2i1.487 Performance of Young Cacao Plants at Various Elevatios Levels <p><em>Top grafting cocoa from vegetative propagation that has been adopted by cocoa farmers in Indonesia. The aim of this research is to identify the performance of young cocoa plants from top grafting at altitudes &lt;300 m asl, 300-600 m asl and &gt;600 m asl. A total of 27 plant samples were taken randomly at 3 heights in South Sulawesi. The results showed that plant height, stem circumference, crown circumference, number of primary crown at an altitude of &lt;300 meters above sea level were not significantly different from plants at an altitude of 300-600 meters above sea level and at an altitude of &gt;600 meters above sea level, but the stem height Primary and number of young cocoa leaves from top grafts at an altitude of &lt;300 meters above sea level are significantly different from plants located at an altitude of 300-600 m asl and an altitude of &gt;600 m asl.</em></p> Andi Besse Poleuleng Monika Agustia Nur Jihad Syahra Susi Indriani Yulius Budi Prastiyo ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-24 2024-06-24 2 1 12 16 10.61119/prp.v2i1.492 Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) Production on Enrichment Composition of Sawdust Media with Cocoa Fruit Peel and Banana Stem <h4 style="margin-bottom: .0001pt;"><span lang="EN-US">Oyster mushroom growth media generally uses a substrate in the form of wood sawdust waste because of its high lignocellulose content. However, sawdust is increasingly difficult to obtain because it is also used for other needs. The method used in this study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with four treatments, namely M0: sawdust media, M1: sawdust media + cocoa fruit peel + banana stem powder (2:2:1); M2: sawdust media + cocoa fruit peel + banana stem powder (2:1:1); M3: sawdust media + cocoa fruit peel + banana stem powder (2:1:2). The results of this study showed that the fastest growth parameters of oyster mushroom fruiting body primordia tended to be produced from the M0 and M3 treatments, namely 68 days after incubation, the largest diameter of the fruiting body stem resulted from the M3 treatment (1.91cm), the number of fruiting bodies, the width of the fruiting body hood and the highest wet weight of oyster mushrooms resulted from the M1 treatment of 11.66 fruiting bodies, 11.39 cm and 119.68 grams, respectively.</span></h4> Riswan Riswan Rahmad D Kafrawi Kafrawi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-24 2024-06-24 2 1 17 24 10.61119/prp.v2i1.493 Modification of Instant Palekko Seasoning by Adding Katokkong Chili (Capsicum annum.L.) <p>Palekko is a typical South Sulawesi food that has a spicy taste and is made from duck or chicken meat cut into small pieces. The process of making palekko takes a long time, so instant palekko seasoning is needed in the form of dry spices so that it is hoped that it will make it easier for people to process "palekko". The aim of this research is to determine the effect of adding katokkong chilies and appropriate drying methods on the quality of instant palekko seasoning. The research used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 2 factors. The first factor is the percentage of katokkong chilies consisting of 3 levels, namely 10%, 20% and 30% and the second factor is the drying method, namely oven drying and sun drying. The research results show that the best treatment for Palekko instant seasoning is the oven drying method with treatment with a percentage of Katokkong chilies of 30%, obtaining a water content of 11.84%, ash content of 6.79%, yield of 19.3%, viramin C (0.301%/100g) and positive for containing Flavonoids as well as organoleptic testing of instant Pallekko Katokkong seasoning and its application to chicken from 31 panelists who received scores for color, aroma, texture and taste (liked and really liked).</p> Irmayana Irmayana Sri Udayana Tartar Muhammad Fitri ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 2 1 25 34 10.61119/prp.v2i1.494 Effect of Sucrose Concentration on the Quality of Jam Slices of Dutch Eggplant (Cyphomandra betacea) <p><em>Jam Slice is a semi-wet food made from processing fruit pulp, which comes in sheet form. Dutch eggplant jam slices are expected to contain Vitamin A 540-5600 µg, Vitamin C 15-42 g, fiber 1.4-4.7 mg and antioxidants which are really needed for people's nutritional needs and are one of the typical products that should be developed. This research was conducted in May-June at the Agro-Industry Workshop as well as the Biochemistry and Nutrition Lab, Cultivation Department. The aim of this research is to determine the effect of adding sucrose to tamarillo jam slice products. The research used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 2 factors. Factor 1 is treatment with the addition of belanda eggplant, namely 27%, 32% and 37%. The 2nd Factor is treatment with the addition of sucrose namely 25%, 30% and 35%. &nbsp;Observation data continued with analysis of variance. The research results showed that the best treatment was the addition of 25% sucrose and 27% tamarillo. When slicing tamarillo, the water content is 49.5% according to SNI 01-3746-1995, the maximum water content for jam is around 35%. sugar content 20.3% .color value L . 42.88 and organoleptic testing from 31 panelists received values ​​for color, aroma, texture and taste (liked and really liked).</em></p> Yustika Wiwi Muhammad Fitri Sri Udyana Tartar Ernawati Jassin ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 2 1 35 43 10.61119/prp.v2i1.495 Application of Various Concentrations of Moringa Leaf Liquid Fertilizer (Moringa oleifera L.) to Stimulate Growth and Yield of Upland Rice Under Various Drought Stresses <p>Upland rice is susceptible to drought stress in crops, especially on marginal lands. The use of moringa leaf <br>liquid fertilizer as a biostimulant that is very rich in important compounds is expected to increase growth and<br>production as well as plant tolerance to drought stress. This study aims to determine the appropriate concentration<br>of moringa leaf extract liquid fertilizer to inhibit the growth and yield of upland rice plants grown under various<br>levels of drought stress. This study was arranged in the form of a 2-factor factorial experiment with randomized<br>complate block design Split plot design form. The main plot is the application of moringa leaf extract liquid<br>fertilizer consisting of four concentration levels 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% moringa leaf liquid fertilizer. Subplots (SP)<br>was drought stress consisting of three levels of percentage of Field Capacity, namely 100%, 75%, and 50% FC.<br>There were 12 treatment combinations of two units in one replication, each treatment combination was repeated<br>3 times for a total of 72 experimental units. The experiment of moringa leaf liquid fertilizer concentration gave a<br>significant effect on the increase of plant height, number of tillers, productive tillers, flag leaf area, number of<br>grain per plant, grain weight per plant, and grain production per hectare at several levels of drought<br>stress.Concentration of 15% Moringa leaf liquid fertilizer gives a better effect in increasing the productivity of<br>upland rice with an average yield of 1507.03 tons/hectare under moderate stress (75% field capasity), and an<br>average yield of 1081.66 tons/hectare under high drought stress (50% field capasity).</p> Awal Ferdiansyah Muhammad Kadir Kafrawi Kafrawi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 2 1 44 58 10.61119/prp.v2i1.496 Analysis of Customer Satisfaction Level Towards the Quality of Kahayya Coffee at Ondeway Cafe Bulukumba <p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp; The production and quality of coffee products has a central role in the coffee industry. The coffee production process involves a series of complex stages, from bean selection to the roasting process. Product quality is one of the main keys in assessing consumer perceptions of products and can be measured to what extent the product can satisfy customers. in Bulukumba Regency has produced a brand, one of which is Kahayya coffee. Measurements or research regarding the level of consumer satisfaction and quality of Kahayya coffee have never been carried out or have been carried out but only revolve around the production, packaging and marketing side. .The aim of this research is to determine consumer preferences and analyze the level of consumer satisfaction with the quality of Kahayya coffee produced by Cafe Ondeway Bulukumba. This research was carried out from December 2022 to January 2023 at Cafe Ondeway in Bulukumba Regency. The research method to determine the level of consumer satisfaction is carried out by means of a survey. The population in this study were all visitors who came to Cafe Ondeway. The sampling technique is purposive sampling, namely selecting consumers aged 17-50 years. The number of samples taken was 50 people. Quantitative and qualitative data were analyzed using the CSI method. The results of research on consumer preferences based&nbsp;on age, occupation, income level, education level, and frequency of consumption, regarding coffee are influenced by various factors, including aroma, taste, characteristics, stability, and frequency of consumption experiences. The level of satisfaction of Cafe Ondeway consumers with the quality of Kahayya coffee based on the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) value criteria shows that it is in the "Very Satisfied" category, namely 0.81-1.00 and with the highest Gap Analysis (GAP) coffee has a strong taste. as much as 0.22. There are similarities in preferences for fragrant coffee aroma, aroma characteristics, and strength and consistency of coffee taste among consumer groups. and the level of satisfaction of Cafe Ondeway consumers regarding the quality of coffee is very satisfied.</em></p> Andi Nur Fadliah L Abdul Mutalib Rahmad D ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-07-08 2024-07-08 2 1 59 72 10.61119/prp.v2i1.472 Formulation of Coffee Grounds Bar Soap (Used Coffee Grounde) <p>Coffee consumption increases every year so that a lot of coffee grounds are wasted which can cause problems to the environment. This can be overcome by utilizing coffee grounds from various cafes/coffee shops. One of them is by making bar soap. The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of bar soap product formulations with the addition of different levels of coffee grounds based on the results of the pH test and organoleptic test. The research was conducted from October to December 2023 at the Banyorang Coffee Processing Center Office, Tompobulu Village, Banyorang District, Bantaeng Regency, South Sulawesi Province. This research method uses a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 (four) treatments, namely<br>formula 1 coffee grounds 40 g, palm oil 50%, coconut oil 30%, olive oil 20%, formula 2 coffee grounds 70 g, palm oil 50%, coconut oil 30%, olive oil 20%, formula 3 coffee grounds 100 g, palm oil 50%, coconut oil 30%, olive oil 20%, and formula F4 coffee grounds 130 g, palm oil 50%, coconut oil 30%, olive oil 20%. The results showed that the pH value is feasible to use bar soap for skin care 9.40 – 10.62 in accordance with SNI standards and organoleptic tests based on the criteria of color, aroma, texture, moisture, freshness, and freshness was in the formulation of 130 g coffee grounds, 50% palm oil, 30% coconut oil, and 10% olive oil.</p> Arbainnah Amin Syahruni Thamrin Muhammad Kadir ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-07-13 2024-07-13 2 1 73 79 10.61119/prp.v2i1.502 Productivity Of Various Cocoa Clones (Theobroma Cacao L.) At Different Rainfall Levels In Tettikenrarae Village, Soppeng Regency <p><em>Changes in rainfall are one of the causes of declining production in cocoa plants and cause land degradation, thus reducing national cocoa productivity. This study aims to analyze the productivity of various clones of cocoa plants at different rainfall levels so that the relationship between production levels and cocoa productivity at different rainfall levels is known. This study used the observation method. Data collection was done by random sampling in farmers' farms by determining the appropriate sample plants. The sample plants used came from three different clones, namely MCC Clone 01 (M01), MCC Clone 02 (45), and Sulawesi Clone 1 (S1) which were 13 years after planting and still productive. Rainfall data was obtained from available data at the BMKG of South Sulawesi Province. Data analysis was conducted to determine the productivity comparison of three cocoa clones at different rainfall levels.&nbsp; The results showed that: 1) Different rainfall levels affect the productivity of various cocoa clones in Tettikenrarae Village, Soppeng Regency. This can be seen in the parameters of number of seeds and weight of seeds, with productivity respectively for clone MCC 02 amounting to 4350.66 kg, clone S1 4326.78 kg, and clone MCC 01 with a production of 3863.29 kg. 2) Productivity of cocoa clones in Tettikenrarae Village, Soppeng Regency is best in moderate rainfall conditions, where clone MCC 02 has the highest productivity of 1820.47 kg which occurs in rainfall of 100 - 300 mm</em>.</p> Muhammad Zakaria Danial Junaedi Junaedi Muhammad Kadir ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-07-13 2024-07-13 2 1 80 90 10.61119/prp.v2i1.498 Identification of Physical Elements and Function of Saijaan Park as a Public Green Open Space in Kotabaru Regency, South Kalimantan <p>Green Open Space is an important element in shaping a city that has a function as a supporter of ecological, social, cultural, economic and aesthetic benefits in urban areas. The city park is one of the public spaces that is currently a concern in urban development in Kotabaru Regency with the rearrangement and addition of various visitor facilities given its complex function. However, the function of the park has begun to undergo many changes at this time so that it affects the physical quality of the park itself. This research aims to identify and analyze the physical elements of facilities and infrastructure in Saijaan Park whether it has fulfilled its function as a city park. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method with direct observation, literature studies, and questionnaires to visitors. From the results of the study it was found that the existence of physical elements of Saijaan Park Kotabaru Regency as a whole has a fairly good condition, but still needs improvement and optimization of maintenance on several available facilities. Then, the function and utilization of Saijaan Park by the community is currently quite in accordance with its designation.</p> Monika Agustia Nur Jihad Syahra ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-07-13 2024-07-13 2 1 91 100 10.61119/prp.v2i1.503