Application of Various Concentrations of Moringa Leaf Liquid Fertilizer (Moringa oleifera L.) to Stimulate Growth and Yield of Upland Rice Under Various Drought Stresses
Aplikasi Berbagai Konsentrasi Pupuk Cair Daun Kelor (Moringa oleifera L) Untuk Memacu Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Padi Gogo Pada Berbagai Cekaman Kekeringan
Upland rice is susceptible to drought stress in crops, especially on marginal lands. The use of moringa leaf
liquid fertilizer as a biostimulant that is very rich in important compounds is expected to increase growth and
production as well as plant tolerance to drought stress. This study aims to determine the appropriate concentration
of moringa leaf extract liquid fertilizer to inhibit the growth and yield of upland rice plants grown under various
levels of drought stress. This study was arranged in the form of a 2-factor factorial experiment with randomized
complate block design Split plot design form. The main plot is the application of moringa leaf extract liquid
fertilizer consisting of four concentration levels 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% moringa leaf liquid fertilizer. Subplots (SP)
was drought stress consisting of three levels of percentage of Field Capacity, namely 100%, 75%, and 50% FC.
There were 12 treatment combinations of two units in one replication, each treatment combination was repeated
3 times for a total of 72 experimental units. The experiment of moringa leaf liquid fertilizer concentration gave a
significant effect on the increase of plant height, number of tillers, productive tillers, flag leaf area, number of
grain per plant, grain weight per plant, and grain production per hectare at several levels of drought
stress.Concentration of 15% Moringa leaf liquid fertilizer gives a better effect in increasing the productivity of
upland rice with an average yield of 1507.03 tons/hectare under moderate stress (75% field capasity), and an
average yield of 1081.66 tons/hectare under high drought stress (50% field capasity).
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