Effect of Sucrose Concentration on the Quality of Jam Slices of Dutch Eggplant (Cyphomandra betacea)
Pengaruh Konsentrasi Sukrosa Terhadap Mutu Jam Slice Terong Belanda (Cyphomandra betacea)
Jam Slice is a semi-wet food made from processing fruit pulp, which comes in sheet form. Dutch eggplant jam slices are expected to contain Vitamin A 540-5600 µg, Vitamin C 15-42 g, fiber 1.4-4.7 mg and antioxidants which are really needed for people's nutritional needs and are one of the typical products that should be developed. This research was conducted in May-June at the Agro-Industry Workshop as well as the Biochemistry and Nutrition Lab, Cultivation Department. The aim of this research is to determine the effect of adding sucrose to tamarillo jam slice products. The research used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 2 factors. Factor 1 is treatment with the addition of belanda eggplant, namely 27%, 32% and 37%. The 2nd Factor is treatment with the addition of sucrose namely 25%, 30% and 35%. Observation data continued with analysis of variance. The research results showed that the best treatment was the addition of 25% sucrose and 27% tamarillo. When slicing tamarillo, the water content is 49.5% according to SNI 01-3746-1995, the maximum water content for jam is around 35%. sugar content 20.3% .color value L . 42.88 and organoleptic testing from 31 panelists received values for color, aroma, texture and taste (liked and really liked).
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