Performance of Young Cacao Plants at Various Elevatios Levels

Keragaan Tanaman Kakao Muda Asal Sambung Pucuk Pada Berbagai Tingkat Elevasi

  • Andi Besse Poleuleng Program Studi Teknologi Produksi Tanaman Perkebunan, Jurusan Teknologi Produksi Pertanian, Politani Pangkep, Pangkep 90761
  • Monika Agustia Program Studi Teknologi Produksi tanaman Perkebunan, Jurusan Teknologi Produksi Pertanian, Politani Pangkep, Pangkep 90761
  • Nur Jihad Syahra Program Studi PPK, Jurusan Teknologi Produksi Pertanian, Politani Pangkep, Pangkep 90761
  • Susi Indriani Program Studi Teknologi Produksi Tanaman Pangan, Jurusan Teknologi Produksi Pertanian, Politani Pangkep, Pangkep 90761
  • Yulius Budi Prastiyo Program Studi Teknologi Produksi tanaman Hortikultura, Jurusan Teknologi Produksi Pertanian, Politani Pangkep, Pangkep 90761
Keywords: Cocoa, Cocoa crown, Vegetative propagation


Top grafting cocoa from vegetative propagation that has been adopted by cocoa farmers in Indonesia. The aim of this research is to identify the performance of young cocoa plants from top grafting at altitudes <300 m asl, 300-600 m asl and >600 m asl. A total of 27 plant samples were taken randomly at 3 heights in South Sulawesi. The results showed that plant height, stem circumference, crown circumference, number of primary crown at an altitude of <300 meters above sea level were not significantly different from plants at an altitude of 300-600 meters above sea level and at an altitude of >600 meters above sea level, but the stem height Primary and number of young cocoa leaves from top grafts at an altitude of <300 meters above sea level are significantly different from plants located at an altitude of 300-600 m asl and an altitude of >600 m asl.


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