Analysis of Customer Satisfaction Level Towards the Quality of Kahayya Coffee at Ondeway Cafe Bulukumba
Analisis Tingkat Kepuasan Konsumen Terhadap Kualitas Kopi Kahayya di Cafe Ondeway Bulukumba
The production and quality of coffee products has a central role in the coffee industry. The coffee production process involves a series of complex stages, from bean selection to the roasting process. Product quality is one of the main keys in assessing consumer perceptions of products and can be measured to what extent the product can satisfy customers. in Bulukumba Regency has produced a brand, one of which is Kahayya coffee. Measurements or research regarding the level of consumer satisfaction and quality of Kahayya coffee have never been carried out or have been carried out but only revolve around the production, packaging and marketing side. .The aim of this research is to determine consumer preferences and analyze the level of consumer satisfaction with the quality of Kahayya coffee produced by Cafe Ondeway Bulukumba. This research was carried out from December 2022 to January 2023 at Cafe Ondeway in Bulukumba Regency. The research method to determine the level of consumer satisfaction is carried out by means of a survey. The population in this study were all visitors who came to Cafe Ondeway. The sampling technique is purposive sampling, namely selecting consumers aged 17-50 years. The number of samples taken was 50 people. Quantitative and qualitative data were analyzed using the CSI method. The results of research on consumer preferences based on age, occupation, income level, education level, and frequency of consumption, regarding coffee are influenced by various factors, including aroma, taste, characteristics, stability, and frequency of consumption experiences. The level of satisfaction of Cafe Ondeway consumers with the quality of Kahayya coffee based on the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) value criteria shows that it is in the "Very Satisfied" category, namely 0.81-1.00 and with the highest Gap Analysis (GAP) coffee has a strong taste. as much as 0.22. There are similarities in preferences for fragrant coffee aroma, aroma characteristics, and strength and consistency of coffee taste among consumer groups. and the level of satisfaction of Cafe Ondeway consumers regarding the quality of coffee is very satisfied.
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