Effect of Plastic Packaging and Pandan Leaves on Sitophilus Sp Insect Population in Rice

Pengaruh Penggunaan Kemasan Plastik Dan Daun Pandan Terhadap Populasi Serangga Sitophilus Sp Pada Beras

  • Musdalifah M Department of Agriculture Production Technology, Pangkep State Polytechnic of Agriculture
  • Syatrawati Syatrawati Department of Agriculture Production Technology, Pangkep State Polytechnic of Agriculture
  • Nurhalisyah Nurhalisyah Department of Agriculture Production Technology, Pangkep State Polytechnic of Agriculture
Keywords: Rice, Packaging, Pandan Leaves, Sitophilus sp


Insects are the most destructive organisms on agricultural harvest materials in storage. This study was conducted with the aim to determine the effect of various types of plastic packaging and pandan leaves on the population of Sitopilus sp insects on Rice in storage. This study was organized in the form of a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 6 treatment combinations between the use of Polypropylene Plastic (PP), Polyethylene Plastic (PE), and Clear Plastic (CP) with Pandan Leaves (PL). The treatments were PP without Pandan Leaves (PPWPL), PP + Pandan Leaves (PPPL), PE without Pandan Leaves (PEWPL), PE + Pandan Leaves (PEPL), CP without Pandan Leaves (CPWPL), CP + Pandan Leaves (CPPL). The results showed that the combination of all types of plastic packaging plus pandan leaves showed no development of the Sitophilus sp insect population, while all plastic packaging treatments without pandan leaves increased the Sitophilus sp  insect population very significantly, along with time


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